Monday, June 01, 2009

A Visit to Mayfaire

Tom and I visited the Mayfaire at Marshall Michigan on May 23rd. It was a fun afternoon getting our "fix" at the frst faire of the season.
Highlights of the day included visiting the Viking encampment.

We attended court which included a wooing contest that took an interesting turn!

Sir Clisto was visiting.

I don't know who these ladies are but I loved the Cranach gown!

I finally got a photo of myself at faire courtesy of Cyron then, once I got home, I did a couple with the self-timer to show my new fake hair. :giggle:


Artemisia Moltabocca said...
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Cindy aka HappyStamper aka Sealion said...

Um,okay, not sure why you deleted the question but I got the hair piece from His & Her Hair.