Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Scrapfreak is having color theme photo challenges for 2008. The "color" for the month of January is white. While I could easily have photographed my pretty white puppydog playing in the snow the challenge made me look at this white tray of ice cubes with a fresh eye. (Yes, Dorothy, I do realize that is the point of the challenge. LOL)


Carla said...

Ok Im loving your photos here......great I have to get my thinking cap on and figure out what Im going to do.

Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

Great photo!! Never thought about the ice cube trays.

Colleen said...

Cool picture! Love this idea!

monica.coffman said...

Very cool pic! You can photo your cute white puppy in the snow anyway and just share with us. :)

SuzyQ said...

Great phot. Good job for thinking outside the box!